Perspective — our reality

Most things we do in life is dependent on how we view things or how we perceive things, which in turn influences our thinking, then our actions.

The man outside thinks that the one inside is unwise for not coming out for fresh air; while the one inside thinks he is stupid for not being inside the air conditioned apartment.

A person failed an exam and believed that it's a sign that he/she wasn't meant to be there, while the other failed and believed that it's a sign that he or she needs to do better or be better.

Someone posts an article online and got no feedback, the person stops posting because no one care anyway. The other person posts a content and no one responded — he improved on his content and keeps on posting.

Because someone's friend failed an interview, the other believed he would not pass and did not apply. But another friend applied because he believes that now that his friend failed, he will learn from his friends mistakes and pass.

Three friends went the military, one was killed, one of them quit the military because he believes that if his friend can die so can he, but the other continued — he believes that if his friend was killed and he wasn't, that he would not be killed again.

The list goes on and on, but what ever your perspective is, that's the reality you live in.

What informs our perspective can be classified into thee major categories: who you are, the experience and the situation.

Who you are: the kind of person you are or who you are plays a huge role in your perspective. Some are optimist, some are persimist, while others just don't care.

 In every situation an optimist will always find a reason to continue or belive there is a way to make things work.

A persimist will always see the negative aspect of every situation that he or she find themselves. They always sees ways in which something it will not work or won't happen in their own favour.

Those that just don't care can decide to do things just by rolling a dice. Their decision is basically based on gamble, because they don't care either way.

The experience: the experiences we have had in this life influences most of our perspective or how we see things. Those who have been through betrayal normally feels like people will always betray them — they might drop out of partnerships that could benefit them immensely. But the people that has had  so many experiences of trust and integrity, will be more confident to take a chance in another person.

Most people make decisions in response to their past experiences because a similar event is likely to end like the previous ones.

But when you haven't experienced something before you can decide on what ever you want and hope that it's the right decision.

The situation: the situation we are in, influences our perspective immensely. If we are in pain, we usually makes view things based on what we think would help ease our pain. Unemployed and broke people, always have the perspective of that which could help them to be gainfully employed or to make a living.

What ever our perspective or our decision is, we should endeavor to be aware of the negative and positive impacts, and also own it.


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