That wasn't my best school day.

I had washed and hung my only remaining shirt on the line, the previous day. I had three school shirts, two had been stole. I returned to the line, I couldn't find my last shirt. I searched until I started crying. I was in SS1. The next day was Monday.

I hid my self when the school bell ranged.

When our hall master came to lock the hostel, I took a dry shirt from the line and left for class. I had planned to wash and return it back to the line. I also left with some money for new shirt.

I was headed to buy another shirt when the owner of the shirt saw me.

"Hey, you! That's my shirt you're putting on," Obi said, before he reached for my throat. "So you're the theif that stole my clothes from the line."

I explained to him what happened and begged him to forgive me, but he refused and said he will report me to our form mistress. He ordered me to follow him.

He reached to adjust his collar as he was bouncing in front of me. I suddenly saw my initials on the collar. I rushed and dragged him back and showed him my initials. It was my first stolen school shirt that he was putting on. He started to plead with me.

While dealing with people, we should show empathy because misfortune can befall anyone.


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