Stay on track or not

When it comes to very competitive career paths, most talented and hard working people don't see their journey through; one of the main reason is belief.

I know a lot of people who dropped their dreams of becoming a professional football player, because there are alot of people that are pursuing the same thing — they believed they won't succeed.

Some dropped their dreams of becoming a renowned recording artist because there are a lot of musicians out there, but only few are renowned — they stopped believing they could be one of the renowned ones.

A friend of mine, once went for an acting audition and saw the crowd there, two months later, he dropped his dreams of becoming an actor. He didn't believe that he could make it anymore.

There are alot of statistics and circumstances that can make one stop believing that he/she is special enough to be amongst the chosen ones.

But the fact is that no Profesional athlete, musician or actor knew that he/she was going to make it to that level they are now. All they did was to keep believing till they made it.

I know that not all would make it, but you will never know until you see your journey through.

Never stop believing.


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